Coconut milk shake is most famous drink at Klebang Melaka. There are many people come for coconut milk shake everyday. It's located next to the Caltex Petrol Station along the main road. Although you can buy the coconut milk shake anywhere but Klebang coconut milk shake is the original.
外面摆的档口是打包带走的,如果是要坐着慢慢享用的话可以再往里面走,里面不只有卖饮料,也有卖马来餐和糕点。价钱都很便宜,二零吉就能买到了。他们的饮料有两种选择,一种是上面没有香草冰淇淋,另一种是加了冰淇淋的椰子冰沙。虽然是自助服务但他们的服务很周到,你只要进去找位子坐,然后拿一些东西一边吃一边等他们为你送上饮料就行了,可能他们了解顾客通常会点加了冰淇淋的coconut milk shake,要是你有特别要求那就一定要提点他们了。
Klebang coconut milk shake is operated by Malay, the outside stall which along the road is for those customers who want to take away, and there has a dining area for those who wanna drink there. They are also selling Malay's food such as kuih muih, mee goreng, nasi lemak and others and price is very reasonable. It is self service but they will offer you drink when you're sitting at your place, all you have to do is take some foods and wait for them send you the drinks. They are selling 2 types of coconut milk shake, normal coconut milk shake is without vanilla ice cream on top and special coconut shake is putting vanilla ice cream on top. So they will send you the special coconut shake unless you wanna drink the normal coconut shake.
Coconut milk shake是采用椰肉,椰水,香草冰淇淋,和冰搅成饮料,香草冰淇淋的味道很浓郁,口感很饱满,还能吃到一小颗一小颗的椰肉。就算加了很多冰饮料还是很浓稠不会感觉很稀释。他们的营业时间为 星期一至星期四和星期六,日中午12点至傍晚6点30分,星期五 下午2点至傍晚 6点30分。
Coconut shake is made by coconut meat and juice, vanilla ice cream and ice. It's very tasty and isn't over sweet, you even can taste a small coconut meat while you're drinking. Business hour: Monday till Thursday and Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon till 6.30pm, Friday from 2pm till 6.30pm.
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